Monday, March 11, 2019

Before You Take Out a Payday Loan Read This!
Before you take out a cash loan, think about the possible repercussions that can potentially go along with that type of loan. For example, you will most likely have to write a post-dated check for the amount of the loan, plus any fees. Some states require the check to be dated for the day the borrower receives the money, and if the money is not in the account of the corresponding bank, the over draft fees begin the downward spiral. 

We aren't saying that payday loans can't be managed and possibly work for some. However, it is important to consider why to re-think other options. After all, even if you only have the loan for a few weeks, you're likely to pay much more in interest with a payday loan than you would for a high interest personal credit card cash advance.

There are alternatives like collateral lending, which are great options when you have something of value to use as security. Pawn brokers will take almost anything of value, and offer interest rates as low as 2%. If for some reason you can't come up with the money, the only loss is the item of value you used in exchange. This will not affect your credit score or bank account balance in a negative way.

To learn about a no credit fast cash option click here to call a pawnbroker in your area!

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